Joe Cum spent all day targeted harassing while at work. (I was at work. Not Joe. Hes never done any of that before)

95  2019-08-28 by PhishInVa2


How are you doing Stinks?

He said "used to be".


I assure you, stinks is certainly not the only (ex)junky that posts here


I used to be a raging junky. I joke about it all the time. Not a sensitive subject for me at all. Id never file a DMCA or cry to admins for people picking on me for it. Joes such a pussy

At least you are not robbing a vape shop or taking handouts from your little brother.

Can you imagine the desperation to do either of those things?

Ive asked my brother for a loan before (until payday) but i always paid him back and got him a case of beer for the trouble. I would feel so grimy just taking a handout. Jesus Joe.

Did he loan you $100 bucks?
God Joe Colleen Cumia is a fucking idiot what was the other one 10k 70$ bucks he won?
Colleen you are the dumbet person in the world kill yourself already.

At least you didn't do drugs with your mother but abandon her when her head went to mush.

Coming for you too Joe. Unless your heart goes like Daddy. With all that timber on you its far more likely.

Pretty rich for a guy who freebased at the dinner table with his own mother.

Has Anthony or James ever elaborated on this? Itā€™s morbidly fascinating. How do you even reach that point in life

Ant talked about it on the show. Pretty sure it's in one of the beige docs, I'd heard it long before that but honestly can't remember what show. typing "O&A Anthony takes cocaine with mom" got some interesting but sadly irrelevant results on youtube. It exists i tells ya!

And to answer your 2nd question, it's not a case of reaching any point. When you are born one societal rung up from traveling gypsies you tend to behave like it no matter how much money you accrue.

Does beige still have his docs listed somewhere? I got friends who were fans and still listen religiously to YouTube clips from the old show. They are completely unaware of anything beyond AntH getting canned so Iā€™d like to send them some links to the docs. The two friends I sent to beigesā€™ channel were horrified.

u/beigefrequency comment?

I believe they've all been archived on bitchute and the opie and archive website. I tried uploading them to vimeo but they got DMCA'd. I'm trying to figure out the best long term solution for reuploading/keeping them on youtube.

Cool. Looking forward to the ladi di documentary šŸ‘


What about Part 8/Part 2 of Joe?

Alright, Burroughs.

Seriously though, TYFYS.

used to be? dude, you can never be too careful. I saw Jim recoil in horror when a drink was passed to someone in front of him. Stay vigilant, brotherman!

Thank god you didn't try kratom, brotherman.

Kratom. Not even once.

Almost 40% of adults in this country are estimated to suffer from a substance abuse disorder. When almost half the population falls in a group, it loses its punch as an insult.


Like I said, your life is so fucked.

Youre a shit father Joe with mininal custody. Layla is going to be so embarrassed by your archives. Her father AND her uncle have been associated with PEDOPHILES. THATS FUCKED.

I have full custody of both my girls, you fat loser.

I think the word you're looking for is "salty."

Big salty cumia tears

Fyi /u/DoxxerI00 isn't Joe. Not that I need to ID the "I" vs "1" but because everything was spelled and capitalized correctly so I just assumed.

Ha. I didnā€™t even notice! Thanks

Hey Joe: youā€™re about to be taken to court soon. Everything youā€™ve been saying has been logged. Think about that.

Way to keep it classy there, diapers.

Being in recovery for 3 years is manlier that anything a male Cumia has done in their entire lives. So congratulations, at your most baseline level you are worth at least 3 Cumias.

Not sure that's a compliment though. who would want to be compared to a Cumia anyway?

That's a whole lot of words

Layla wrote it out for him.

I was star struck in awe at Hef. I was rambling. šŸ„³

No doubt heā€™s using Keith to dig up information.

If we could find proof of that we could put a few people in jail. Bovine lips sink ships (which don't have a competent ship steerer brother man).

In the past how easy itā€™s been for an absolute moron to dig up dirt on people is no doubt the handy work of some one in LE.

Read my comment above. He just went through 3 yrs of my posting history

u/doxxer100 comment?


Pretty tough talk coming from uh uh uh a card carrying uh pedohile.

/u/doxxer100 is Joe Cumia who is (not) A PEDOPHILE

That is confirmed by the bovine itself on twitter.

His ā€œinfoā€ is all just through my 3 yr post history. He got my ā€œlocationā€ cuz i posted a video of a truck on fire off route 288 in r\RVA. He probably spent about 45-60 minutes of his life sifting through me hoping to ā€œget the dirtā€. My name isnt Jimmy though.

Did you report this to Reddit?

No im not a crybaby bitch like joe

It's not about being a cry baby it's about culling the bovine population

Preventing bad cow disease

There was a guy on the old sub fucking with him under the name steve ramone (obvious show reference) and joe doxxed him by searching facebook for steve ramone and posting the first person. Truly a boomer idiot.

I'm certain he Google's my username daily. Not to find out who am, just for the content that comes up. He's really in to that kinda stuff I hear.

I doubt it. At this point Joe Cumia lives such a sad, pathetic existence even the retards at the compound are probably stand-offish towards him.

Classic case of James Hefner projecting his inadequacies. They just can't behave can they?

"Go be a good stereotypical millenial. You'll be just fine."

This sentence makes no fucking sense but it makes Jovine sound tough and in charge. Fuckin dim-witted bug-chaser.

He totally nailed him with the millennial comment. Sick burn.

See how i didnt even have a reply. He just shut me down completely with that.

Just thank the gods he didn't go after your shirt

How did Joe find out your name and that of your girlfriend(?). Did you post them on reddit?

Aren't you that pretty open guy who posted pics of some ghost/murder housey worksite?

Yea that was me. Im pretty open about who i am/what i do but im careful to not completely doxx myself. Nothing but trouble could possibly come from that. (Not Joe that id be worried about. Someone like SamRobertsPhiltrum is the type to SWAT you or some shit.)

He didnt find out anything that i havent posted under this username. My name isnt Jimmy and the girls name he mentioned is an author Tracy Helton, the star of a 90s documentary about heroin called ā€œBlack Tarā€. She sends out narcan care packages to people who cant obtain it. She started a little organization that promotes harm reduction more or less. Shes a great person. But deff not my GF.

What is a narcan care package?

A small package (she pays for) that contains clean needles/narcan/instructions/alcohol wipes and shit. Stuff to make shooting up ā€œsaferā€. Shes reversed thousands of overdoses by sending out narcan. And people are already using needles. Shed rather see people who are using, use safely, rather than reusing needles for weeks and not having narcan around.

I gotta be honest. I never heard of narcan before. It's a heroin substitute or similar?

Oh sorry. No its an INSTANT overdose reversal drug. Its the OPPOSITE of heroin. It rips all the heroin particles off your brain and makes you sober and back to life INSTANTLY. You wake up in 2 seconds in withdrawl and feeling sick. It does the opposite of get you high. It saves alot of lives.

Narcan shuts down your opoid receptors and immediately stops the heroin from killing you.

It's what paramedics carry. It's super easy and safe to administer. Some states allow civilians access to it, others don't. There are some volunteers who mail it to the states that don't sell it in CVS

Joe wants to "dox" people, so he can take that information and do absolutley nothing with it. Like 6 people here have posted their full names and addresses to joe. He has done nothing to them.

It's almost sad how much of a pathetic retard James is.

He's so desperate to doxx somebody, it'll make him feel like he's finally had "the victory" and all of the years of humility on the internet will disappear and it'll be like it never happened.

I wonder how many hundreds of profiles he's spent hours combing over trying to find the smallest detail..

m8 you are life is so fucked!

Personally, I think having your mom narcan you on Christmas is a great Christmas memory.

We kinda laugh about it to this day. It was quite the family dinner. Everyone was sitting down to eat and i was missing. ā€œWheres Phishin at??ā€ So they went to the spare bedroom and found me on the floor and instantly knew what was up. I got clean not too long after that.

I would hope so. Otherwise dinner would get cold? Larry king voice......:what were you having for dinner? Manicotti or ham maybe?

He really is a fuckin' ninny.

He calls everyone he disagrees with a Millennial. A very, very stupid man.


In a townhouse paid for by his little brother

Which he calls Compound East because he doesn't have an original thought in his head.

Out of all the stupid shit he's done, calling his hovel COMPOUND EAST is what I hate most about SAMCRO.

Donā€™t forget the unlocked gun rack by the front door too

Another funny thing. The nearest taco bell to me is like 25 miles away. Idk wtf hes taking about. I mustve made a post 3 yrs ago about meeting a dealer at a Taco Bell maybe?? Im rly starting to be convinced hes got mad cow disease.

He's such a bumbling moron.

How is owning a business being a stereotypical millennial?

From someone who really has no hatred for anyone...

Pffff hahaha, what the fuck did he say? Before he cleaned up his Twitter he was pretty vocal about EVERYONE he hated, especially if they're black. What a true delusional retard.

Joe Cumrag

/u/jungies as promised


Is it just me, or does Joe come off as a bit of an asshole in those DMs?

He was just upset i made fun of him teaching Layla about the importance of the American flag, because Joe is a war vet and all.

Hey, that jerking off on a picture of the dead mother ain't a bad idea.

Itd be fucked up if a bunch of people sent bovine a bunch of soggy Cumia family photos. Actually on second thought, Joe would lick the color off of those pictures.

Lmao I bet he really felt like Billy Bats when he was talking about you "getting fresh."

Ol unoriginal Joe