Do you think that jamesH is the mastermind behind all this or is nana pulling the strings?
17 2019-08-28 by spolrak123
I think nana is quite starved and is due for a feeding, also colleenH is a faggot
17 2019-08-28 by spolrak123
I think nana is quite starved and is due for a feeding, also colleenH is a faggot
1 Persianschlong 2019-08-28
Without a doubt he is tugging at the strings, like his greasy cock at a gymnastics meet.
That fat bald faggot James is documented with his absolute stupidity.
1 The-Cumia-Prance 2019-08-28
Nana doesn't have the upper body strength to pull strings.
1 spolrak123 2019-08-28
Maybe keith the ventriloquist then, who has a firm hand shoved deep in both their asses and wallets
1 jsnoots 2019-08-28
That old fag was making puppets in the early 60's.
1 SensibleKeks 2019-08-28
The only thing Nana is pulling are vibrating eggs out of his ass.
1 4stepsbackward 2019-08-28
Those fawkin' Cumias are always trying to manipulate the hate.
1 Toss__Pot 2019-08-28
Nana's probably happy that JoeH's doing something to earn his allowance.