Rotgut live in Bou Mhel el-Bassatine

31  2019-08-28 by RapistWithHIV


Better quality instruments. Better stage presence. Clearer skin.

Haven't committed felonies. Their daughters aren't allowed to go to school so they can't be late.

List could be endless. 😂

Oh please Mdou Moctar WISHES he could shred half as good (accuracy) or quick (speed) or pagentry (crowd size) as Joe aka as /u/doxxer100 right?

Like just watch this hack excuse for performance like why if you are some sand ni*ger nomad group are you using a ((white))) bassist oh wait I know why! LIke nice turban moustache and if you're country is sooo great why are you using American Stratocasters? You straight look like the 9/11 scumbags and I know it's one of your favorite bits but your gonna tell me that the rithm guitarist looks anyone like Anth?

To steal another bit hahaha holy shit! but I gotta say the drummer has some super cool sneakers 😎🐮

These guys are amazing actually, but all in as a rotgut parody too.