Upvote if you've never stolen from a Mom & Pop vape shop or killed your own kid for a budget soundbar

127  2019-08-28 by andycumiashow


Reported for vote manipulation, hilarious.

These redditards have never even robbed a small business, and you're doing NOTHING about this!!!

You mean a plastic tube with paper cones isn't the ultimate in audio fidelity?

If only mr Kuhn would steal a vape pen and spacefat would cum in a lady and take his kid to a fail sound bar heist then the world would be complete

What one of them did was an affront to all of mankind while the other was just petty theft so don’t ever compare SpaceEdge to the innocent Chris Kuhn.

Both are fags

844 readers but only 82 upvotes.

We aren't the most virtuous bunch

Not yet. But there's still time.