It seems a certain mouth-breathing homosexual just got another $5,000 bonus.

93  2019-08-27 by pashow84


Upvote for Anthony's facial expression of defeat and sadness

He perfectly captured that weird melting candle wax look of Anthony's face.

Anthony’s arms are unsettling

It aids him in the cumia prance. Makes for a more aerodynamic Nana.

Like Vito Spatifore, James Hefner is the one who sucks not gets sucked.

True. I just had to take some artistic license in order capture the overall theme of this piece.

Took me a sec to notice Joe's hand. Vurry gud.

Whythe fuck would you crop brothaman Ope drowning worms out you useless piece of shit

I don’t know, dickhead, I don’t even know what was going on that day, fuckface. Here.

Much better daddy

I love the artwork on these subs


There's so many layers.. Beautiful

Joe is actually start up the new subs to get paid.

Damn, I wish someone would make a tutorial on how to create masterpieces like this. Very good work!

I kinda figured Joe was a bottom.

Did Lazlow give Nana a box of Rockstar Games shirts, or does he just literally wear the same exact shirt everyday?

What’s the vape robbery a reference to?

A certain morbidly obese mod, with a wondering eye and equally wondering hand.