Reminder: Opie never tried to take our Sub down

1  2019-08-22 by ilumty

He got way more hate for way longer than the cumias

And BOTH of them have tried to get the sub closed. Opie has thicker skin than them both


That's what men do

And here is the Opie love to start ruining this sub just like the last two.

did it?

Kill yourself faggot.

Brotherman showed this sub what honesty, dignity and self-respect really means. Few deniers left.

Remember when he launched a personal attack on Terry Clifford during her second jocktobering? It was a personal vendetta to protect that fag Brother Wease because he was getting crushed in the ratings. Fuck Opie.

i understand, that in your whole life, you must have never said a word against somebody you regretted later on (i.e. you never grew as a person, never built your character)

Opie never regretted or apologized for attacking Terry.

as far as you know, brotherman. to my knowledge he did. listen to his podcast. IT'S FREE

That's true in his podcast he did apologize and said he felt bad.

How do you know? Do you expect a public press conference?

I swear to god retards like you are just the Cumias trying to turn the tide. Why don’t you start by not being a piece of shit, stupid.

He actually asked in the 2013 Jocktobers to lay off her. The idea was promptly put on Sam's "pay-no-mind" list as he put it.

Secondary reminder: The millionaire president of a media empire offered a bounty to his remaining mentally-ill followers and that sub still stands.


When you have a horse cock, millions in the bank, a hot wife and good don't worry about what somebody on reddit is posting.

Joseph Cumia is almost 70. He is relying on his "little" 65 year old brother to support him and pay his bills. He hasn't held a job in half a century. He beat his ex wife with a frying pan, his current "wife" looks like Garth from Wayne's World. He's a lousy father and in all likelihood a pedophile just like his brother.

Excuuusseee me

She is not "wife" material

Opies wife is what bovine brain closes his eyes and dreams of everything he has to penetrate his grotesque tranny ‘girlfriend’

Actually, I am pretty sure Joe pictures himself sucking a big fat dick.

Yeah that’s sounds more accurate, I must’ve been describing myself the first time

Garth is gonna be fucking pissed at you.

well, opie has a life outside the internet. Even that stupid fuck Joe has children but he's too busy being here and reporting posts he doesn't have time to interact with them.

Father of...father of 4.

Neither have Jim or Sam.

That's because they have jobs and responsibility. They may be awful human beings, but at least they are doing things.

Terrible things.

Doesn’t the Geico caveman report posts about him ?

No, but he did pull videos like Harry Cocksucker and anything making fun of him.

They’re all sensitive faggots

Hi, JMueller2012!

I just wanted to stop by and wish you well!


Can I see ur ass?

Bad bot

Shhhhhhuuuuuuuuuutttt uuuuuuuPppppppp!

Yes but that's only because Opie can't read

Shut up faggot

The height of your existence was being his slave. I thought Jews had rules against that sort of thing.

Slaves don't get paid. Also, Opie never signed a single paycheck of mine.

True brothermen never make a bitch move like that. If you're a Cumia, however, you lie and cheat and cry yourself to sleep every night knowing that this sub will never die.

And that's how the haters got turned into unironic fans.

Neither did Jimmy. You want to suck his cock too?

Anyone is a saint when compared to the Cumias.

I’d rather ride the lightning ;)

Opie is not a tranny-fucking pedophile faggot, and his behavior shows it.

Those Cumia women are a touchy bunch.

Opie just ignored the haters brotherman. Too busy dropping hammers.

dropping hammers.

And heavy cock.

Thank Mel that brotherman hasn’t tried or else we’d be without a home for good, ruizing our lives away

Yeah, Opie is just a dork. He’s not a bad person. Remember when he got pissed Nana dumped that FBA caller? Opie saw the bigger picture of having a popular show over petty jabs on Reddit.

Joe never got the talk about, "if you leave them alone and ignore them yourself, eventually they will leave you alone..."

It has basically worked for everyone else.

Joe is too dumb for that road.

He did cry a lot about the sub though toward the end of the shows run. This was when everyone was praising Ant and Jim wishing Opie would get removed and it become their show. Remember that gang? When we wanted Ant and Jim to have their own show? How y'all think about that now!?

opie definitely doesn’t have thick skin but he was able to ignore it at least

I refuse to adopt the Opie love that permeates the sub now, but I will give him this: compared to both his co-hosts and his former audience, he moved the fuck on with his life.

Listening to older clips, although he can be annoying sometimes, the Opster has won me over in light of recent events. There are hours of audio of Anthony bitching and blocking people and yelling anytime he takes a little criticism while the Destroyer is constantly coming back with "Don't block them, who cares?" or "Why are you so angry about that?"