Let’s discuss the irony in how Joe Cumia, king of copying and leeching, is abusing the copyright system.

0  2019-08-21 by Sergeant_Joseph_Spud



He treats our content like it’s ivory

Cover bands, parody songs, Ant's money, the namesake BROTHER Joe, "Compound West," "Guilty by Association," Joe, you have not done one thing original in your life. How genuinely pathetic. Everything you've half-assedly attempted in your mostly lethargic life has been hanging off someone else's work.

Ant got famous. Keith got the business. Dawn got the real family. You will die and only be remembered by us as a punchline.

Uh excuse me, do you honestly thing JOE could AFFORD to live on WEST Long Island (closer to civilization)? The Elder Cumia Estate is called the COMPOUND east! As is commonly known, by all of the fans who are CHOMPING at the BIT for some INSIDE information!

Never had an original idea in his life.

Joey Cumia did think of touching Anthony Cumias butt when he was sleeping at the age of 5 and said it was moths.

He'll dedicate time & effort into being here reporting anything remotely related to him. But if he ever discovered Nana had diddled his kid he wouldn't lift a fat fucking hoof.

my Romanian site is still going strong, no notices yet


I'm also testing out a video hosting site located in Kuwait lmao


You should set up a gypsy patsy as well, just in case

God damn, I never actually sat down and took the time out to watch the BOC video with the sound on from start to finish.

That singer hated Joe. I could see the hate in his eyes through the fucking sunglasses. A and the bovine dolt just smiles goofily and showboats the whole time.

Yeah they didn't call you back cause you were "too tall" sureeeee