That's a little bit far-fetched.

35  2019-08-21 by Vawsh


What are the chances that two scumbag brothers would both be falsely accused of domestic abuse by different women.

Learned behavior from dear old dad... what are the odds Roe had CTE not Alzheimer’s?

She played professional ball? Oh that right, too many ball-bags to the face.

Bitch saw more meat than a deli.

We've all witnessed enough of sociopath Joe's behavior to know he's always full of shit and his ex tells the truth:

Still need her to do an AMA.

Seriously, how do we not have her name?

Unlike the Cumias, most people don't care about this subreddit whatsoever and would like to leave their bite-marks and cookware-concussions in the past.

My first and only question is how does a women ever end up actually fucking Joe in the first place.

Got to be an interesting story.

37 times. What a piece of shit.

Mayday! Mayday! I’m on fire! I’m on fire!


Ant said she hit herself with the frying pan. Joe says a plastic cup. Also, a plastic cup leaving bruises?

Get the story straight, boys. 🤔

"To be a good liar, you've gotta have a great memory" - My Dad (although the bullshitting fuck probably stole it from someone)

Great man. Sucked a hell of a cock.

He did what he loved & wouldve put some of those punks underneath the Queensboro Bridge to shame, lemme tell ya.

Only man I've ever met who got caught cheating when his 'spare' cellphone was found hidden in a box of cereal. Fucking dope, hide it up ya ass like a real man.

He specified a plastic sippy cup a while back.

You know, the things designed not to hurt when stupid toddlers hit themselves in the face.

So so so... Joey got a tape of his wife's best friend saying that she believed that his wife hit herself?

Isn't that hearsay?

Lol air boomer is calling people kids as if being young is something to be ashamed of