This random faggot podcaster trashes Colin Quinn and accuses him (and Patrice) of stealing jokes.

34  2019-08-21 by bwaitforitjones



"Random faggot podcaster"? I think not! This is Porsalin's best friend and biggest fan, REDBAR.

Point proved.

Btw does Porsalin even bother posting here anymore or has he abandoned this place to focus on high comedy?

he's more of a lurker now, occasionally comments. Think he's working on Gavin Mccinnes doco, which has potential.

I am willing to give it a chance, honestly. I would tell you if I wasn't. I kinda enjoyed his doc on Baked Alaska, who I didn't existed before Porsalin's doc. But I find it funny that he is doing one on Gavin, since they are both try hard provacateurs. Thanks for the update though Guv'.

He just uploaded a short bit with the JBP bot reading some JoeH trashing.

I don't know this guy but with all due respect, if you kicked him in the ass a hundred cocks would fall out.

This is worse than the current Howard Stern Show

Come on now that's a bit harsh

Imagine having to go through this faggot's 8-hour show to compile a 15-minute segment, and then still coming up with this shit.

He's like an aging version of the already aging h3h3 guy

isn’t this guy’s whole schtick attacking everybody & he still is completely unknown? took the easiest route possible & still failed dismally. haha. i think he even got booted from gas digital

Looks to me like a small dude with a rich dad

If another comic tells a perfect Colin joke, he stole it