Joe is so stupid that he believes if he is in a photo, he owns it.

58  2019-08-21 by Sergeant_Joseph_Spud


Worked for a certain failed author. We aren't even allowed to say his name now. And yet Joe is still too stupid to manage it.

Stop giving the cow ideas, stupid.

Joe wouldn't know what to do with an idea if he ever recognized one, which he won't.

He's already doing it, stupid.

The thing is that Joe is just barely fair game for us to talk about him, and that's partly due to him taking credit for O&A's career and playing a role in that world. The author was a random who had nothing to do with O&A and it took him just under a year to get anything done, at a huge financial and commercial loss. The chances of this all backfiring on Joe increase exponentially the more he tries this because we are going nowhere.

If Joe had said nothing and let it go then we would have moved on but he keeps outdoing himself and it never gets boring. Just when you think his stupidity has peaked he finds a new gear.


you mean the guy in Milwaukee who counter-protested an anti-pedophilia march?

A certain author who somehow has his twitter account back. I am NOT saying you should report him again, I'm just pointing out that he has it back.

Joe often hears “you broke it, you buy it”. Maybe the same goes for photos.

Maybe he's like those native beasts that think the camera can steal your soul