Totally hetero Joe Rogan: "Now that you've broken up with her, do you think of other dudes just gorilla-fucking her?"

11  2019-08-20 by TurningFrogsGay



Jamie quick pull up some gorillas fucking some chick on DMT.


Rogan looks like Beetlejuice in that pic.

He should've asked Joe how many times he fucked Phil Hartman's wife and if he ever still thought about it.

So are there 3 out of 5 comments shadowbanned?

That poker guy posted a blog or something about this after and pretty much nailed rogan’s comedy as mostly being unfunny yelling

Rogan is a cuckhold to a black dude.

Everyone associated with the show was obsessed with black genitals.

"Joe is an Alpha male so he will attack if he sees a weakness he goes after it to see if you can match his energy. Joe is better than this poker loser."

Actual comment under the video. At least it's funnier than Joe's graphic cuck fantasy.

Rogan has turned into “ deep think Joe “ now.

Joe "My wife's black daughter" Rogan.

It was just Joe doing this 'AMOG' thing since this guy was secure despite not being Joe's physical superior