jesus christ

2  2019-08-20 by LongIslandChomper


"if only he knew how his fat cells were laying low waiting..." - Vostradamus

What caused him to just totally give up?

How does a guy who doesn't drink have that big a ducking stomach.

He drinks ranch.

"You know what dude? I think I need another side of wings for my ranch drink." -Blobby K.

Wings are what they garnish the top of his bucket-sized cocktail glass with.

You can be sober and still drink 7/11 Double Gulps

Atleast he got the shirt right

Bob makes me strive to be better.

You got your sweatpants, you got your own triple XL shirt on duuuuude.

his blood type is gravy

He must be seriously addicted to food, weak willed blob

Pathetic “comedian” with zero self-control who panders to Nana, all while knowing he’s a child-grooming ghoul. I hope his incipient stroke is especially ghastly and debilitating.

Nana will neither visit him in the Hospice nor agree to be a pallbearer. I can excuse the latter...forklifts are awkward.