Imagine how embarrassed nana must've been when her bovine older brother decided to take matters into his own hands at her dismal failure of a book signing

22  2019-08-20 by SpaceCaseBassFace

"Wait, Joe, you really dont have to... it's not a big deal... fuck."


You can almost see it on Ants face when they were leaving that they knew this place was going to have a field day with it.

They've clearly sated that this place has no effect of their lives. Please stick to the facts, sir.

Id be quite keen to test their hypothesis

They can't take Joe anywhere without the fear of him making an ass out of himself. How embarrassing....

Ants too scared of him to tell him to " Back off this aint his show."

Lol he looked so uncomfortable when the cameraman asked him for comment

He was probably talking all tough about what he was going to do and say to those redditards in car ride over. He was not prepared.

I have almost felt bad for AntH when I think about how much it must suck to have that absolute fucking dope for a brother. But then I remember all the pedophile stuff and I don't feel bad for him.

If he had a modicum of self awareness, I’d agree. But, He doesn’t.