YouTube just sued an individual for filing fraudulent DMCA notices that affect other users of the platform

69  2019-08-19 by thrillated


Related; I have YouTube admins looking into Joe's DMCA claims, and they've been escalated for urgency.

They're being fast-tracked via The Joseph Lane. tyfys

They're being fast-tracked

Hope that train has a cow catcher.


Holy shit theyre finally taking it seriously. Soon enough well have all our shit back up once they find out how obsessed Joe Cumia is with is. (60yrs old....😔)

I don't know what his problem is.

He’s just mad because his baby brother is his sugar daddy that gives me 60k a month to pretend to play music and its so bad he wants it taken down so we don’t critique it. Its so sad for a 60 year old man to do this.

A month?? Joe's an honourary Jew.

Pretty sure he meant a year.

Did he?

Why don't you come back here and shut up?

i meant a yurr my bad

Besides have the hormones of a 90 year-old and a wife that was one of the props in The Mummy?

Only when money was extorted.

Beige lost $.....maybe joe extorted him

I hope Joey spends time in prison for this. I'm retarded and don't know how law works, I just would like to see Joe in prison.

I hope his cell mates watch The People's Court

SEO101 is a faggot

Who is that?

Click the link above. It’s some random idiot who thinks he knows what he’s talking about.

Are those actual YouTube employees? They sound like typical Reddit blowhards.

if Joe gets sued bc of this i will laugh so fucking hard

Uhh ohh JoeH. Maybe someone with the time and energy to mess with you more will drag you through some real long grueling funny legal bullshit.

It would be our very own Maddox v Dick Masterson LOLsuit. A boy can dream.

"If it pleases the court, I would like to represent myself"

"Mr Qmia, you are not wearing any pants"

"I. . . uh, am not a pedophile, your honor"

Judge: Mr. Cumia, it says here you've accused yourself of pedophilia?

Joe: Something said. Not good...

Would M take the case pro bono?

Joes false claims are costing googles legal team a bit of $ they way he abuses it. He may want to chill on the FALSE DMCAs

Tick tock you fat bovine

That YouTube admin looks like a goon from Dick Tracy. Ho-lee-shit, that jaw...

Fucking faggot "SEO101" trying to drag the whole ordeal down into an irrelevant argument where he is wrong on more than 1 level. But of course, the asshole knows best doesn't he? Completely ignorant to the subject, makes claims he would have no prior knowledge of, and actually trying to fuck with someone else's problem being solved. Sites that allow faggots like him to meddle should be the ones banned by Web 2.0.


Goddamn, how great if this were how it ended for the Cumia boys? Would Joe even be able to get a job at McDonalds?

Not once we made our phone calls to McDonald’s corporate.

Soon enough he'll accuse us of being jealous of his short-bus Wal-Mart greeter gig. Until he's fired for being on Reddit all day

Leonard from McDonalds would be his superior

He already is

Joe would try to shove Grimmace up his ass.

To be fair, that guy took down tons of huge videos. I doubt YouTube gives a shit about some video with a few hundred views.

I’m forwarding all this to a US district attorney, though.


Id imagine when they looking into this "Joseph Cumia" character they saw multiple claims to show he might be abusing the system. Just guessing. Im 16 and dont know dick about DMCA.

I love how we’ve grown so much that we even have 16 year olds who hate the Cumias.

They can get a precedent on what constitutes DMCA fraud on YouTube, so future law suits would be much easier.

u/BeigeFrequency, comment?

Doesn't your shit fall under fair use?

Wonderful. That idiotic cow has finally stepped in his own manure.

Make sure they know how to reach him - (notu2) has all the necessary information.