Yo Joe, I know you already know CTRL+ALT+DEL but I got another pro hacker tip to speed up your computer.

18  2019-08-19 by SpiralStatic90


I bet he's still running XP too. How's that Pentium 4 treating ya fuckface?

Joe must be the only musician in the Western world running Windows; everyone else uses Apple.

Hahaha Joe being able to afford a Mac that's a good one,

What about all that money he saved by buying shitty Chinese guitars?

I'm sure he could catfish one outta nanny. Then tell us about it and how stupid ant is. Then say it was a troll to gain our trust to destroy us from within. Private moo plays the long game.

Tunisia isn't part of the Western world.

Worked for me. Mine seems to be running faster now. Missed the reference, but I appreciate the tip.

Scammers run the "tree" command from the root directory on boomer retsrds like joe and tell them it's a virus scan.

Oh wow, thanks for this tip actually. My shit is like brand new now.

Delete system 32 lmao, 4chan cool.

It Low-T Joey to you, child.