Go back and listen to old O&A clips. You'll notice how cliquey and cunty Ant and Jim are

70  2019-08-19 by SuperTubsPeterson

They give Opie NOTHING. Sometimes they mumble about him to eachother when they know he's not listening. He'll bring up a topic and they won't even acknowledge that he said anything.

What a couple of passive aggressive pussy bitches.


Opie sucks.

Not the point, stupid.

That's the point. What's going to happen when they reply to him? The man can't riff. He has no comedic talent. Jim and šŸœ are hypocritical fake tough guy faggots but let's not act like they should've taken opie seriously.

Take seriously, maybe not. But they would actively sabotage him. That's the work of pussy bitches.

Good. Whenever opie had free reign he would take phonecalls, abuse the soundboard and ruin the flow with his stupid nonsense. Listen to any old show and see how he fucks it all up.

Who is this Obscurella faggot giving himself upvotes on alt accounts?

You think i give a fuck about karma you circle jerking imbecile

Wow, someone took a page out of Jim and Ant's fake tough guy personas. Do you have deviant sexual tastes as well?

What's the fake tough guy persona i'm doing? Calling him an imbecile? Is that being a tough guy to you?

Shutup you irksome nobody

passive aggressive pussy bitches.

Couldn't be explained in clearer words. The Opster definitely had his faults, especially back then.

It has since been proven that neither of them can have a successful show without him.

Jim's still on Sirius making money while opie got fired from westwood one. Obscure compound shows hosted by nobodies get at least 1k view on youtube while dopie can't even go beyond 300. Yet you say they can't hack it without opie.

Yeah this revisionist history, Opie love garbage is beyond played out. Sure he's a better person than ant or Jim but they're all garbage and he ruined the show constantly. "Durr durr steered the ship brothaman" fuck off.

The Opie love is ridiculous, but so was the Opie hate to be honest. At least the former is largely tongue-in-cheek. Look up any O&A videos and the comments are always filled with harsh remarks from years ago, regardless of whether Tits really did anything to deserve them. He wasn't funny and could obnoxiously derail fun bits, but I don't feel he was as show-ruining as some seem to present him as.

At the same time, I also highly doubt he was some radio savant who engineered the show's success behind the scenes, but it is noticeable how shockingly badly Ant and Jim ran their shows after they were free to do their own thing. It does make you wonder if the lack of a figure like Opie in the decision-making is the reason for that

Fair enough but everything Opie has tried has bombed too. From his walking the streets videos to his failed podcast. They all stink alone. They stink together actually. Honestly the most entertaining shows are the ones with the right comedians or guests in.

Agreed. Opie sucks dick on his own and nobody in their right mind would've expected him not to. That being said, he is the only one out of three who seems to actually enjoy what he's doing, and he doesn't treat the (few) fans he has with absolute contempt.

I highly doubt Opie was some radio savant who engineered the show's success behind the scenes...

yeah probably not but at the same time as much as i love patrice i'm not surprised his black phillip show faded out, patrice as always was great but the show itself lacked any sort of cohesion, topics all over the place, a ship with no captain sniff

honestly just listen to nopie shows, some are great when vos and other comics are in but those shows mostly are so low energy and all over the place. jim and ant were terrible at "doing a show" without someone guiding them

Lol you think 1k is good? Ant had a fucking massive amount of support from the fanbase when he started his network. Heā€™s consistently put out a shit product to the point that he has 1-2k viewers tops.

He should honestly have 100k+ based on the momentum he started with. He should have Gavin and LOS on his network and be killing it. He sucks ass though and puts out a dog shit product, so heā€™s where he is now.

His own shows get around 20k. He shot himself in the foot with the paywall. He's still doing much better than the opster viewer wise.

He's still doing much better than the opster viewer wise.

Yes but that's not the point. This isn't O vs A, the claim was that Ant and Jim couldn't have a successfully show without Opie, and while that may not necessarily be true, history has shown it didn't work out. Both Jim and Ant's shows suck ass.

Including opie in will not make their shows great. Opie and jim were on air for like a year and it was the worst thing they ever did.

What's the point then? You're polishing that irrelevant, unfunny loser who ruined every show. Anyone who listen to one episode will tell you that. He's a complete deadweight.

What's the point then? You're polishing that irrelevant, unfunny loser who ruined every show. Anyone who listen to one episode will tell you that. He's a complete deadweight.

No I'm not, I'm merely clearing up ButtFarts2019's argument. I even acknowledge you may be right by saying 'Ant and Jim couldn't have a successfully show without Opie, and while that may not necessarily be true..."

In other words, I personally believe it's possible for Ant and Jim to have a funny show without Opie. But history didn't play out that way, as both Ant and Jim's flaws (lazy, tendency to only talk about their degenerate behavior) ruined their respective shows. Opie helped to reel them in (candy crush in the middle of race rants).

In an alternative universe, KtC would be competent, Ant and Jim would have a funny show together on Compound media (they'd need to hire another radio guy to help cull their bad tendencies), Compound would still have Gavin, LoS, and we'd still love Ant and would still be shitting on Opie.

Compound had great potential and didn't need Opie to do well, but an Ant only show without Opie led by incompetent KtC lead to the shit show we have today. It didn't have to be this way, and Opie (or another radio guy) would have helped tremendously.

No they donā€™t. His numbers were leaked (the retards left the viewer count up when switching sites) and he had 2.3-2.4k viewers.

Also, Opie didnā€™t try to make a network after he got fired. He was never divorced by a fat ugly woman, and he doesnā€™t have a mooch brother, so he didnā€™t need to make money. If you want to talk about the guy who ā€˜wonā€™, Opie still has a much larger net worth, and a much happier life (wife, kids, real friends, fuck you money, etc).

Ant is an addict for a reason. Because heā€™s a failure.

Is that why opies on westwood and clinging on every little thing he could get his hands on?

Itā€™s a fun project for the retired multi-millionaire.

Opie films himself walking the streets trying to create feuds with well known people. He's still yapping about stern. He talks to hobos and does awkward shit. He's still searching for viral fame. So that's normal but ant is deranged?



Can you stop attacking a job creating family man to deflect attention from the lonely hermit pedophile you love so much.

I hope that Opie's Eye with Ant talking about minors becomes Opie's long-awaited viral video.

Wasn't it more like 600-900 viewers?

Is this Keith mutherfuckin himself?

In 2015 Ant absolutely had the entire fanbase wrapped around his finger. He squandered it about as quickly as humanly possible


Iā€™ll accept your argument about Jim; he is doing pretty well for himself all things considered.

But ā€œant still has a job while Opie got fired" doesnā€™t mean anything. Anthony is subsidizing Compound Media out of his own pocket. Itā€™s a vanity project that isnā€™t even coming close to breaking even let alone turn a profit. Opie could do the same thing if he wanted, but he realizes doing so is pointless.

Opieā€˜s show sucked and nobody listened, so he was fired. Anthonyā€™s show also sucks and nobody watches, but he canā€™t be fired because heā€™s sinking his life savings into his own show.

Opie already did the same thing as ant. It doesn't make a difference if you set up a studio in your basement. Do you think either of those guys care about turning a profit? They want their radio glory days back. If šŸœ did what nick dipaolo is doing he can reliably get 20k an episode. Check the views of the stuff he uploaded on the youtube. He's fucking himself over with the paywall.

I wouldnā€™t watch his shit if it was free and Iā€™m not the only one.

It doesn't matter if you watch, it gets views. Numbers that opie can't get by himself even if he tore himself apart.

I was so bored by nanas shit that i gave up after 10 grueling minutes pirating his rss feed, and that was well before i hated him. The guy is fucking awful.

Compound media is doing really bad on youtube, given the audience Anthony had 4-5 years ago. Go look at the most viewed videos on the CM channel. Every video with over 100k views is either several years old, talking about Opie, from the Gavin McInnes Shows or involves someone famous like Neil de Grass Tyson.

Hey Beige, how is the Terry Clifford doc coming along so far?

I'm unironically thinking about doing a Lady di doc at the moment

Can you ironically or unironically look into a Terry doc?

It's one of the greatest underdog stories of our era.

^ nig

The Brotherman was helming two Titanics simultaneously. It was a miracle how he kept Ant afloat for two decades. Once Opester left there was no future for him and Jim.

I think part of Opie's failure to be funny was the total lack of help on their part. How often would one of the worm's mildly-to-not-at-all amusing 'zingers' get a desk slapping HAHAHAHOLEESHIT from Anth? Poor brothaman never got that courtesy

I hated when they would each jerk off to how "quick" the other was.

Like it was some kind of god given amazing talent to come up with a "zinger."

Don't get me started on the "craft of comedy"

yeeuch these sscumbag pedestrians

Dude you donā€™t understand the intricacies of a toe trigger joke. The craftsmanship behind a joke about trannies shitting on your chest. Face it dude. You canā€™t sit at the cellar table with the rest of us artists.

You forgot to work in Lamotta.

Pretty much the ā€œwell youā€™re curedā€ line. If I was hanging out with people and someone said that line it would be a good laugh, but they really suck each others dicks over shit like that

The funniest people in the world aren't comedians. The people who think they're the funniest people in the world are comedians. That's why they got on stage in the first place. 90% of comics are deluded and sell tickets because audiences are dumb and the other 10% are actually funny. Still narcissistic though.

When Seinfeld tells the hackiest jew joke ever on the Norm show (Jew asks gentile hows business today? gentile says: great!) and seriously proclaimed non jews wouldn't get it I puked in my mouth a little.

How about those "Jim wheezing" compilations where the faggots fake laugh endlessly at their own mediocre jokes.

I'd rather not

I was listening to the newer Scott Ferrell fight compilation and noticed this as well. The Opster even had a couple of funny lines that surprised me.

As shit as Cumtown is, Nick will at least not leave the other 2 retards hanging when they lose steam or have a bad joke.

I donā€™t care how much I like this sub, Iā€™ll never be one of those ā€œOpie was actually funnyā€ shitheads out of spite for Jim and Ant. You people donā€™t even listen to his current podcast.

It's not that The Psycho was an underrated genius, it's that the other two often sucked justa s badly but they provided covre for each other than they rarely, if ever, gave Brothaman.

I need clips of them mumbling about him, I seem to remember weird shit like that all the time but can't recall specifics.

They are all shit. Different textures of shit, but shit all the same. Tits, Pocks, Worm, and Sam the worst of them all. Fuck em.

Re-listening to the Opie vs Jim fight. Opie corners Jim with "How come you aren't doing a show with Ant?" but he doesn't give Jim a chance to squirm because the big-titted idiot keeps babbling and they change the subject. He basically had Jim bang to rights there. The only reason he wouldn't do a show with Ant is because he didn't want to leave his cushy gig at Sirius, in spite of Opie.

Opie also refused to discuss the "stuff" he knew about Anthony and we all know it was most likely Ant's pedophilia.

The hot tub story.

You'll also realize that 95% of the time, any funny clip takes place when Jim.was out of the studio. Jim has, does and always will stink.