People more pivotal to the success of OnA than Joe 1/?

64  2019-08-19 by Gainsgoham


Proudly served her country by joining the navy true american hero while joe is the american zero

Has less fat then joe

And more brains

Also has been been fucked in the ass on top of a door less times.

It's been said many times on many subs, but her internship was the last memorable bit on their show. Her presence is the only reason to listen to that God-awful Belle Knox interview.

Very true, brotherman.

I don't know. I was a big fan of the cronut saga that lasted months. Plenty of hours of great radio there.

The Todd Show saga also delivered big.

Siiigh... well boys, time to reset the fawking apaaawlogy clock... sniff

Hey Belle, how much money do you make?

Transgender WC Fields is a national treasure.

There it is. Vurry good.

on behalf of this sub we thank you for your service

Ah yessss, I could care lessss of the constant bashing of my buubbs, ahhh yesss. Joe Koomeeyuh is a fat faggot worthless slob, ahhhhh yessssss

She is dangerously bloated.

Too many punches to the liver. She is going down swinging.

I want to die like her.

The next one should be Stalker Patty

Stalker Flattu

Her son actually visits her.

That woman was funnier then hell everytime she was on the show and she served her country. 2 things Joe cumia never did.


Oh, hi!

Howya doin'? HI COLIN!!!!!

Di was a good sport. So was Patti.

Water buffaler > cow

Emerald Angel 😍

"Lady gnaaaah!" -Bobo McSchnoodle-

Bubs Bunny