Sunglasses √. Leather jacket. √. Backseat while his manservant drives √ Badass expression. √

46  2019-08-19 by Ant_Sucks


No seatbelt either. This outlaw cannot be tamed.

Unless you’re a thunder-haired Viking in need of Bitcoin


You mean chaturbate tokens

"Mustard....extra mustard."

Is this FAWKIN yolk in my EGGS!

Motherfucked me you scuuuuumbags!

Got a problem with my epic gassers baby boy?!

When you worm your way into a radio job

This is more embarrassing than him finally embracing his status as Elder Queen.

We really need to focus on Nortan more.

Like a little baby boy trying to be a badass, while his mother is driving to drop him off at the mall so he can stand around and smoke cigarettes with his queer friends,l.


Of course he sits in the back - his booster seat would look funny upfront.

This guy definitely KNOWS bars.

A real problem.

It's a nylon bomber jacket.

It doesn’t fit because worms don’t have shoulders

"When I motherfucked you up and down, it was the most important day of your life. For me, it was Tuesday!"

Starring in the gay porn parody The Gaytrix