Patrice’s biggest mistake—other than being morbidly obese—was not destroying Nana when he found out Nana married Joe’s ex AND gave her a multi-million dollar payday after she threatened to reveal details of their sex life.

47  2019-08-18 by wwendell

Patrice was being too nice that day. It’s not like those are huge red flags that someone is trying to stay in the closet. All Patrice said was “You gotta know better than to marry your brother’s sloppy seconds” and “You pussy motherfucker! You settled the divorce over that?”

Oh, and he should’ve caved Nana’s head in when he found out that he had a thing for underage girls.


He should have ordered the salad. A bunch of times.

At least his legacy lives on and his name isn't being used by a bone earing wearing fag and Von.

What legacy?

If Patrice had attacked Ant it would’ve been black on black crime

At least Patrice was American.

Patrice was raising another man's child and was cool with von cheating on him with any random dude she wanted.

Patrice didn’t make any attempt to hide those things.

Either Anthony didn’t have sex with Jennifer ever—meaning all his stories about faking orgasms with her weren’t true, as is his story about them picking a girl up at a bar—or men were involved in their “threesomes” and Anthony is embarrassed/ashamed.

or children were involved in their “threesomes” and Anthony is embarrassed/ashamed.

He wouldn't be ashamed he'd be bragging.

Also Von looks like Gabe Kaplan.

Welcome Back, Twatter

By cheating, you mean the swinging shit?

However people want to dress it up

He was hontest with about his life and wasn't a total piece of shit at the end of the day

Ant settled because of some dark shit I'd argue and he didn't want it getting out. He probably was banging trannys or someshit and his ex knew and said she was going to talk.

Since we know for sure he likes vibrating ass eggs, I speculate they used to pick up long island construction workers, & they'd use the pneumatic drill on his asshole

Even Superman gave Lex Luthor a second chance

knowingly fucking/dating/whatever an ex of a sibling is pure garbage person shit. there is no sense of dignity there. one of my aunts fucked another aunt’s husband & i’ve never looked at her the same


We need a statement from her about them both