Not a person in the bar on bar rescue knew who Jim & Sam were... nobody’s.

41  2019-08-18 by xterraroc


Yous speakin the trute

saying it's scripted narrative isn't exactly a hot take, but it's so shitly written; why did the bitch look surprised when bar rescue guy walked in? There was a camera crew there, she was mic'd up & big cameras screwed to the ceiling, yet she acted surprised & started crying in apparent shock.

There was an ama on here that said there were a couple of bars selected to possibly win a shot at a show and taffer shows up at one of them.

But I was told they’re extremely famous and have millions of fans?

This is what Sam told the guy, that they have millions of listeners, and are the top show on Sirius. The monster was cackling about it, like he pulled off something impressive by lying and pulling his usual connivery.

Also, he thought it was a good idea to wear a flannel and a leather jacket in Tampa... Fucking fool.

They flew down to Florida to look like gaping assholes? They could have stayed in New York and accomplished the same obscurity.

Yep. Jim didn’t say he was sober until the day of filming. Apparently the production people were put off guard a bit. What a fucking dickhead.

It’s proof that nobody gives a single fuck about Jim Norton if one of the key aspects of his vacuous personality is a total surprise to people who work (no matter how tenuously) in media.

This makes me so happy. People really could give two shits about these two embarrassments.

What a fucking worm

All I know is they are two guys who really know bars.

How does a “ recovering” alcoholic and a ape man with the pallet of a 5 year old give a review of a bar?

I love how the slam on their food is the Reuben is greasy. It’s fucking grilled in butter you retarded mongoloid.

Nobody's what?

That’s what they are... nobody’s

Nobodies. " 's " implies ownership.

Yes... I get it I made a grammatical error just go with the bit. It’s my last intention to argue with a fellow Cumia hater.

Worm actually admitted it was difficult to eat because people were smoking, fucking fruit

The worm shouldn’t be around any booze it could trigger the one time he drank a wine cooler in high school.

Is it on YouTube?

If you download the paramount app it’s on there.