Joe Cumia is here filling more DMCAs.

18  2019-08-17 by suirogerg


Probably his guitar sale pic

Nope, actually it was one of him and the guy from BÖC from a few years back. I posted it yesterday and ol’ cow brain must have gotten upset.

Keep up the good work

The one where he plays on that dude's podcast? I don't think that belongs to him.

Joe's telling Reddit Legal he got permission from that dude to file DMCAs.


People will need to take most Joe content to his section of KiwiFarms.

send me any links to any content you guys have. I'll get a an image section up. I'm learning web shit as i go so bear (yesssssssss) with me.

Can we send you image-ur links?

yeha i put his tinder up i'm working on a slideshow function

And now he's drunk with power, telling everyone that he served in the Airborne Lawyers Squadron or some shit

Youtube supposedly changed their DMCA rules for clips under 5 seconds, I wonder if the same applies to reddit, Styxhexenhammer was talking about it last week. I'll see if I can find the clip

Reddit is cracking down on copyright shit sitewide and, as we know, allowing people to abuse their reporting system. It started to get worse for everyone just this month. I'm reading a ton of complaints to Reddit Legal right now from moderators all over.

Good. If enough other mods and users start complaining about it maybe they'll make it a little less easy for any retarded faggot to just file a false claim.

Ol' Dig-My-Hole-Full-Of-Felonies-Even-Deeper Joe

Airborne Lawyers Squadron- ribs hurting sir

Joe is also get photos and videos of Anthony removed. This is bullshit. They're public figures, this is public social media, and most of this is Fair Use. We're going to have a oow wow with Reddit Legal.

strap in folks

He's jabbed his stick further into the hornet's nest. Bad idea.

His floppy testosterone-injected pud

The messages are still coming. He doesn't like you. He's also posting in that gay pink opie friends sub from the same account he's sending messages from

Yep fat, retarded, mentally ill Emily and her fellow shut-in Discord losers are behind all of the harassment and stalking, so don't be shy to report them to admins. You won't be the only one. According to the messages we're getting, they have pissed off a lot of people.

I've always hated that attention seeking cunt

And they are stinging his effing peckaz!!

I'm slowly hosting everything here. Its a romanian non dmca site. Good like cow brains.

Thank you for your service

Your dedication will not go in vain

Nice try, but the Cumias have deep ties to parts of Romania.


You meant Ethiopia

and Turkmenistan

TYFYS someway somehow this will come in handy

At least this way he'll never be able to take anyone to court, because otherwise all of his illegal false DMCAs could get himself in massive legal trouble, the moron

A lot of judges get really pissed off at litigious, thin-skinned assholes like Joe abusing the court system with petty shit like this. He's a public figure. Mockery and criticism of him comes with the territory. He'd absolutely be admonished by a judge, worse than the TV one, and would be forced to pay the Defendants' lawyer fees and court costs. Then it would be up to the Feds to decide if they want to prosecute him for his multiple illegal DMCAs.

Please do. Let me know if I can help. Thank you for your service

Joe is a cow brained mongoloid fuck, if you’ll forgive the language.

I will

Low-t Joe rides a cock again.

Does this mean I’ll be with out a sub for.... 30 seconds?

Nah we got plenty of others that are already live.

You'll experience no interruption in your regularly scheduled bovine shaming.

But didn't he gloat on Twitter about winning the subreddit war?

No effect on his life whatsoever.

About a dozen times at this point.

It's Joe plus a combination of other misfit faggots like mush mouth Saiyan-Z and that Philtrum fag.

Misfit is too kind a word for those extremely mentally ill, socially inept, desperately lonely psychopaths.

Are you telling me he doesn't learn?

he can't

I assume it's a learning disability

Doesn't this guy have a job?

When you win the lotto, you don’t have to work 😎