Just so everyone's aware, SpaceEdge is back on reddit claiming r/opieandanthony is "still active"

51  2019-08-17 by OkaySeriouslyBro


This has an NP link, but a reminder anyway, do not brigade other subs.

You're not even my real dad m8

Crumpets lose their appeal when toasted from frozen.

He just can't leave it alone.


What a spiteful bitch. Also a junkie, a thief, and resident of New York.

Also even fatter than Joe cowmia and that says alot!

Joe goes " moooo "


Where did you first read of this? asking for a friend.

Your sub is mostly garbage videos I don't watch but I'm subbed anyway.

Genuinely, fucking Emily runs a more entertaining O&A offshoot. And she's obsessed with my little pony and the color pink. But hey, I first heard about this because of /r/OandAExclusiveForum/, run by u/shmeckeljuice

That might have been too mean u/shmeckeljuice

I'm heated at SpaceEdge and it's early. You keep running your sub your way because clearly it isn't getting nuked by the admins. You are not my enemy, the fat junkie thief is.

Don't kill the messenger, stupid

It's more of a drunk guy who gets thrown out of the bar because I really wanna fight someone in the bar, so I start picking fights with people outside the bar even though all they've done is walk by me.

Fuck I hate that fat fucking junkie. Fuck.

It's too bad we can never find him and slap his eye back to normal because his name is so common in his area

At least you showed that Power Mod our rebel flag huh?

That last sentence really takes the sting out of the first two.

I enjoy the fact you didn't Porsalin-it-up & use an alt to ask this



so fuck man, it's beyond gay what he's doing but he's a tosser

i don't mind moving to new subs to be completely honest witcha'

Fat fuck ruined everything.

Which one?

Yeah well, he ain't the only one.

Why would we want to reopen it anyways? Years worth of autism are contained in that sub, we don’t wanna get it banned by a certain to-be hamburger.

You have a point, and Anthony Cumia's $5,000 bounty is on that specific sub.

Yeah! We've already fallen, risen, fallen, risen, fallen and now risen again!

Hey! Let's help Joe keep getting us banned. You know he runs to Anth with his hand out whenever he sees one of our subs go down. It will either bankrupt Anth $5,000 each a time, or it will sew discord amongst the Cumia Cartel

ideally, it would be opened but locked from new posts and replies.

essentially, it would serve as an archive.

A memorial.


That would be the right thing for SpaceEdge to do. We all know he won't open it back up and give it to mods who actually give a shit about the sub and participate because it will fill up with a bunch of posts about him, and he won't trust anyone to remove the posts. He should at the very least open it up to get it back in search engine results and let it be read-only. He was never there and never posted. The other two mods were the only ones doing any modding there most of the time. It's just petty to hold it hostage like this.

i would pay $50 to have the entire old sub on an external hard drive. on which there is nothing else...

Give it time. There are several mega archiving packrats that release 50g torrents with all of Reddit on archive.org


Fucking worthless thief

I wonder if there is still some active users on the original sub? SpaceEdge's chosen people. Imagine the riveting content that's hidden there now that it's a private club with only people who meet Spedge's strict quality control standards

I sent him a message after the bruhaha telling him how I honestly felt, that I supported his decision to create the sticky thread but that he overreacted to subsequent events. I wasn't being a dick. I'm probably the closest thing he has to a friend on reddit and he didn't invite me to the sub (not that I was angling for that).

He's a weird guy. I don't hate him like you guys do but it's disappointing and confusing to me to see him lie about easily verifiable information. That's Cumia-tier lying.

He's got 8 cocksuckers in there. And of course he never demodded himself.

Hahaha what a loser. Pokes his thieving junkie head out so he doesn’t lose the one thing in life he values the most... being a moderator of a dead sub. Truly pitiful

I can’t believe I fucking forgot about that whole saga.