Photo of Joe Cumia not letting Reddit affect his life.

161  2019-08-16 by ReDMeridiaN


This made me fawkin HOWL, brotherman. I'll raise a grapefruit shandy in your honor tonight.

Homer simpson ha a job

Nigga got a better job than me

We don't want that.

Ol Stewwin' Joe

The Cumias have the same problem. They both want to be free to run at the mouth as they see fit...and they are...but they also want it to be totally consequence-free. They demand attention, but get pissy when it's not the attention they want to get. Ant still thinks he was wronged when his racist tirade cost him his radio gig and Moo Cow still thinks his retarded persona and his gay music career are two separate things.

They’re the archetypical boomers. Their entire lives are built upon selfishness and a blatant disregard for anyone and anything that doesn’t serve their comfort.

No BOC and no allowance make Joeh something something

Joe needs to go the way of flight 93.

I doubt Joey is that calm. The manchild is likely mushing the keyboard with his fat fingers while ranting like a madman

I would kill everyone in this room for a drop of child spit...