Party's gettin' wild down at Compound East tonight!

4  2019-08-16 by ILoveWhores69


Judging by the downvotes, I think a few people got Jocktobered pretty hard with this timeless classic. YEAAAHH! Fawkin losers I made ya look at a DIIICK!!!

I used to have parties in my dad's depressing bachelor pad (before the bitchin' one) and my mates would make this my screensaver every time. Ah, simpler days.

I was notorious for lemonpatying people, I thought that shit was hilarious. Back in like 2008ish a few friends got stoned and had a few beers, the house owner passed out with his facebook still open like the faggot he is. When I looked over and realised he'd spent the whole night with a laptop on the couch constantly on facebook, I was filled with intense contempt. I picked the laptop off the couch next to his snoring fat ass, and went to town fucking with his entire profile, started messaging people weird shit like "I've always had feelings for you", and then finished it off when I got bored by deleting all the pics and changing his cover and avatar thing to lemonparty, and making a post of lemonparty so everyone in his friends list would see. It's simple BITS like that are the best. He was hate-able. When I think about his reaction in the morning, and how much I was laughing, it brings me great joy. One person called Ethan had posted something along the lines of: "Macca I DIDNT NEED TO SEE THIS THIS MORNING WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU", and ol' fat Macca was like "Now I have to apologise to everyone!!" all mad at me and I honestly can't think of a time where I've laughed harder than that moment, I was crying my eyes out and almost screaming like a girl the laughing was so uncontrollable. Thanks for the good memory I thought I'd share it.