Radical Jihadist "Supreme Bovine" Yusef Al-Kumiyahmed Declares Fatwah on /r/opieandanthonyxyz. Also Declares His Pet Goat "Bishkek" as New Second-In-Command, Only to Be Kidnapped Minutes Later by Alleged Homosexual Halal Shop Owner Jahmal Nortahn.

23  2019-08-16 by schleiderftw


Al-Kumiyahmed was later quoted as saying, "سوف تتدفق شوارع رديت بدماء الكافرين. اللعنة عليك ، المتخلفين الليبرالية. ضجيج البقر."

Holy shit you're a genius.

The Mastic Mullah doesn't even bother with subpoenas any more, he goes straight for the Fatwa.

Allah Akbar Libtards!