I hate SpaceEdge so fucking much. Open the fucking sub back up you fat fucking junkie.

56  2019-08-16 by SpitItoutSocratesxyz


It would just get banned again

It was never banned in the first place.

He set it to private then I modded himself. Only reddit supermodel (who love people like Epstein) can open it back up

well then they should love at least half of the sub's namesake

Thats because it was set to private before all the dmca shit started getting extremely abused

either way, jobless joe would just go thru all of the old stuff and report everything


Why would you want to go back to that shithole?

Fucked everything up because he didn't get to be in charge anymore. I hope he chokes on a hot pocket. Stupid fat fucking idiot.

I hope he chokes on a hot dose

Its actually nonexistent now. It says it was removed for not having a mod or something

Reddit is fucky with that stuff, but I was the sole mod for a radio subreddit and then got my account deleted by the admins (lol) and the sub still existed for years after with no mods. So there's a bit more going on than "it didn't have a mod"

Or open your veins you weak minded bloated pig. Closed down a great sub because you wanted to wear the big boy pants. You are a Chris Chan level sperging retard.

What the motherfuck are you talking about, stupid? What sub did I close down?

How the fuck could you think he was referring to you and not SpaceEdge? Not a single detail in the post caused you to even consider that it might be SpaceEdge? This is a remarkable level of stupidity.

Yeah, Socrates... You might be fucking retarded buddy

Thanks guys. I was almost too astounded to respond to that level of autism.

Fuck SpaceEdge