Used to be a daily user of the original O&A sub, but haven’t been involved as much the past year. Can you guys give me a rundown on why the subs keep getting shut down?

1  2019-08-16 by Sunbath3r

I only knew to come here because of a post in r/thefighterandthekid otherwise I would probably never have found it.


quite a bit, erock had a stroke actually

Because you masturbate too much. God is spiteful.


It’s all about the semen retention benefits, dog.



The UK is for faggots

England is a fag country.

Good thing I don’t live there?

Joe must have really gotten mad about something. I didn’t think the Redditards had any affect on his life. Maybe i was wrong?

AntH has a new parody twitter account.

Linger longer

Michigan is for faggots

So what?

Fuckin zinged ya

You have some documentaries to watch...