0  2019-08-15 by AnthonyCumio


I live to hate Joey

Don't ever tell me what to do

Then why fucking even have a sub?

Dude have you been on any of these subs over the past 8 years? This embarrassment shit only started to escalate last Fall.

It doesnt matter what we post. Theoretically anyone can take down any smaller sub by false dmcaing any post because its not worth it for reddit to go to bat for a sub with 1k subscribers.

This. We could start behaving like the goodest boys imaginable and there'd still be no guarantee that JoeH or anyone else doesn't just flag us out of spite.

Bullying Joe got him on People’s Court. No content is better than when we bully the Cumias.

KillaKuhn got Joe there because he did something unique on his own. (I'm going to look past the childslaughter for the sake of this post.)

OP is right, for the past year it's been nothing but zero effort 'Joe Cumia is a n***er' posts, and cackling to yourself when you report someone on Twitter, as if you just participated in taking down Amy Schumer again. Yeah, stupid photoshops were original content at least, took some effort, and used to go in creative ways, not just dick pics.

You are all like shitty weak high-pitched zombie creatures in a sequel to a movie where there was only one tough smart villain. I don't even know what that means, but it feels correct.

If you genuinely miss the original sub and hate the direction the subs since have gone in then you're a faggot of the highest caliber. Shut up.

Frig off you jerk.


Bans don't do shit. This autistic Voltron will always reassemble. Fuck Joe and the forum fags.

Hi, Knife_rapist!

I am dropping by to offer you a robot hug! I hope the rest of your day is fantastic!


Bad bot. Fuck off.

What gormless fuck made this thing? Does it just scan for posts with the word fag or shit? Christ reddit is a shithole

Joe stinks.

If we can't make fun of that dolt then there really is no point to any of this

You must be new to these subs. We had awesome, talented posts until this shit you're doing ruined everything.

What the fuck are you on about? All people have done is post pictures of Joe and Ant riding a giant cock or compared Joe to a cow and they got DMCA'd. What awesome talented posts have we all been missing out on?

If you visited all the subs especially the 8-year-old defunct /r/opieandanthony you wouldn't need to ask.

Everyone remembers the original sub faggot. It was full of retarded beefer post, vote whoring posts and chip quotes. It fucking stunk.

I visited it for years you stupid faggot. The fact you can't give any specific examples isn't exactly helping your argument

. . . *DID we?!

Joe Cumia is a very poor guitarist.


It's a parody account

You aint the boss of me


Huh huh. Thanks what you think! I was on the inside. I was a former governor. A Navy seal.