I'm just a bit bored

1  2015-01-16 by ifitallfellout

Usually my posts here have some, albeit questionable, purpose however today I'm visiting just to tap on the keys awhile. To be honest I'm really not that bored at all but I go a bit funny if I don't write something every once in awhile. And so here we are, me out of paper, and without Microsoft word, and thus resorting to reddit, and you, full of regret for getting this far into a dry monologue and not turning back yet. I suggest you do, it's not going to get much better. People seem to have a fascination with endings despite a poor beginging. There is no nugget of truth at the end of this pothole infested excuse for a dirt road of a one sided conversation. Though, I mean, I could try, but by trying I open myself up to criticism, which is fine I guess. Here's the current sad excuse for a life lesson that I've been learning lately: Quit eating like shit and exercise. It's so very simple and yet so many can't seem to manage it, myself included some of the time. Psychology always interested me in that way. Are people naive? Scared? Ignorant? Stupid? Do they just not give a shit? It seems like everyone and their mother is trying to build a life on a terrible foundation. Long term benefit takes a backseat to short term gain like its going out of style. Unfortunately it isn. Honestly the trend is going that way. It's so easy to acquire what we want so very quickly. Who gives a shit if I'm out of shape? I can get a dopamine kick every five minutes from video games, tv, music, you name it, we've got it. Now from all this you may assume I think I'm different, I'm not really. I mean I indulge, but hell I spread it out a little, not all I want all the time. We all have rough times, rough lives, and all that jazz but it starts to twist you if you get too much too quick. It utterly fascinates me. I think it fascinates me because I'm terrified of becoming it. I don't want my life to be slowly degrading day by day, week by week, pushing off anything new or out of the routine until that forever coming tomorrow. Growth, as a person, is something I can't give up for tv shows and video games. Hell, I don't think I could give it up for somebody. Ideally everyday would be net positive. I can do it in stretches, and I'm trying even now. Complacency is such a double edged sword. It is a loop that you can't escape. Who grow or mature or try or care if its all just good enough? What does good enough even imply? To me its when I'm in good enough shape, when my intellectual curiosity stifles, when I lose interest in new things, when I can stand still, when I've helped enough people. God I hope that never happens. I shiver to think about it. Tomorrow is another day, I have a feeling I'm going to try and make it count for something. Diligence, persistence, self awareness, these are a few of my favorite things.