Reminder: Joseph Colleen Cumia has been ACCUSED of child grooming, child endangerment, tax evasion, spousal abuse, larceny, low testosterone, operating a buddy booth at Big Apple Ranch, pedophilia apologist and a card carrying white supremacist.

1  2019-09-12 by EvilDoomedGuy

Where there's smoke something something fire.

His reaction to all these claims is that of a guilty man.


I've yet to hear claims to the contrary.

He has never denied any of it but he will do world class mental gymnastics that hasn't been seen since the day T_D found out Trump was a shill for those people.

Don't forget he thinks owning child pornography is legal. In which case you'd have to assume that joseph colleen cumia owns child pornography.

  • KP

He has a large Traci Lords collection that he doesn’t want to get rid of.