Oh my God, did Joeh crop himself out of the Almost Journey band pic?

1  2019-09-12 by The-Cumia-Prance


Seems like it lmao

Bovine faggot put +1 in front of his phone number but not in front of his fax number.

Fucking retard.

Mooooooo oar than a feeling.....

mooooore than a feeding

Nice browser, stupid.

Don't Stop Beef-lieving

What a loser

Nice font change after the second paragraph, stupid

He really doesn’t get it; if he left us alone, we’d leave him alone and he could live life however he wanted to.

I wouldn’t. You guys made me dislike him too much. I won’t be happy until he’s kicked out of all of his bands

Speak for yourself. I’ve allotted 30 minutes of my day for the foreseeable future to fucking with that pedophile sympathizer. If half of the people here did the same, that’s 300 man hours. More than joe cumia has worked in his entire life.

consider it a win