I have to say at first I didn't like bouncing around from sub to sub trying to find everyonep. Now, I look forward to it. It's like a game.

1  2019-09-11 by warchief1978


We've got the whole thing down to military precision.

We're like dolphins with the sonar and getting high off of puffer fish.

I prefer panera bread oven fumes, but whatever floats your boat.

I lost a bandaid while I stirring a giant vat of French onion soup today

I'm telling the manager

Did someone say military! IM A vet of THE 82nd airborne 😎

(you bastards shoulda seen his hat, wtf?)

Pfffft. I bet you haven't even fathered more than 3 children

We do everything from soup to nuts

I don't like the shifting sets of rules from sub to sub. Fucking faggot mods need to not bother with any of it, the end result is a sub ban regardless.

Delete shit like KP and let everything else fly. Fuck it. Lets just all get on the same page as using opieandanthonyarchives.com to find the new sub. (Or the OandATwitter).

Not sure if you heard but joseph colleen cumia says owning child porn is legal.

Who is honestly promoting Cheese Pizza and why in the fuck is it on their hard drives? The same people with the “(((them)))” posts?

Just search "Joe Cumia" on Reddit and sort by new

you read the rules?

Cow & Mouse

The fact that we are losing maybe 5 members per DMCA is pretty fawkin' hilarious. I made a post about this the first time it got shut down saying "well done Joe, you've killed all the alts and inactive accounts", didn't realize just how right I was until the 6th shut-down.

Before SpaceEdge privatized it, the original sub was only averaging about 300 active users online most of the time, so we really haven't "lost" anyone with any recent incarcerations, except the dedicated nobody author posters who have a steady flow of their own subs now.

The actual content sucks - the “who will give up first” is the entertaining part

So how about you be the change you'd like to see, funny man?

I bring nothing to the table

im...not good

Joe's basically trying to get pee out of swimming pool now.

Keeps your fuckin head on a swivel

With yo fatass titties and pancake nipples

Vive Le Résistance!

It creates camaraderie and feels like a big family. Now I get why jews stick together

For money and power?

How doesn't enjoy a good game of find the faggots?

Nothing like a harmless game of hide and suck.

This guy gets it.