Jimi Hefner

1  2019-09-11 by 1073WAAF


That massive wig is great.

It looks like Bovine is copying this look. Jimi had bigger hair that usual, but nowhere near that bush Joe is wearing for his clever way to get away with wearing blackface.

The other funny thing is that Hendrix rarely wore dark colors. If you want to look like Hendrix, you got to wear, like, a pink boa, yellow shirt, and red pants. But Joe isn't secure enough to dress that fruity. Not even when he is rimming guys at the Big Apple Ranch.

Vurry good.

As expected from the Coonmias.

65yo and never developed an original bone in his fat retarded body.

A leech in every single aspect of his life. Almost an achievement.

'Scuse me while I kiss the sky.

The best and worst African American guitarists.

Hendrix heard the blues, his inspiration, and took it to another fucking universe. Joe heard Jimi copied him poorly.

The hairy-titted queer pays tribute to his musical hero by dressing like a retard and mangling his greatest hits with his sub-mediocre amateur guitar doodling. Like all amateur cover band guitar hobbyists Uncle Udders thinks he's a gifted shredder when actually he's a flaccid imitator who relies on cheap shortcuts and gay gimmickry to disguise his lack of talent.