Archive Bot required

13  2019-09-11 by Ant_Sucks

We need an archive bot. I've looked around and none are fit for purpose so we need to make or modify one. A lot of funny content is getting lost.

It should archive good threads with their comments and repost them on a private sub, or even on voat.

Also, someone with a 24/7 linux box should be running this to make a browsable offline copy of a subreddit

Anyone can do it. Not me though, I just want to reap the rewards.


Reposting to voat or something could work. The issue with any of these bots is just hosting cost. If you want root access and disk space it will cost you. However a bot just running on a shitty cloud server and posting to another site sounds doable since nothing is stored there.

I also wanted a bot that runs and archives nana and samcros tweets but never got around to it.

So I actually got a poc running. That code for the offsite is pretty nice. It hosts things on "imagur". It doesnt take up much hoating space at all. I'm working on setting up a smaller server that runs hourly and does a ln rsync of the differences. Have some bugs to work out though.

I don't believe voat gives public access to its API the way reddit does so it would be difficult to automate reposting there.