#44 got Osama Bin-Laden, but most importantly he broke Anthony Cumia

44  2019-09-11 by snargfursk


I listen to the 2008 election episode occasionally just to hear how insane Anthony’s predictions were

He genuinely believed this nigga was gonna take over the USA in a communist coup and take away all his precious guns

He eventually got them all taken away, so he was close. He lost his guns because of a black guy.


Listen back to Ron and Fez’s special “Election Thunderdome” coverage the night America went to polls, live, with Dave’s parody songs. Still, gets a nigga’s ribs hurting

How's that feel, childfucker?!

Let's not forget he was laughing in a grass skirt in Kenya, at Arabs on camels dancing in Jersey, at a crime committed by the Central Park five.

Trayvon too

Just the idea of a smart black guy running the country emasculated poor ol Nana.

Easily our best black president