Artie looking better than Tony.

64  2019-09-10 by Separate_Possibility


amazing what getting away from a Cumia will do for your health. Opie and Artie are feeling great!


Other than his silly putty nose, he looks great.

It looks like someone took his picture while he was pressing his face against a glass door.

Heroin is a preservative.

It would be great for him to return to the Compound ( or whatever that shit show is called now ) and be the hunk hot guy broadcasting life wisdom to those rotting fags.

If it weren’t for the nose, he would look pretty alright. Better than Sam Roberts.

Even with the nose he crossed above that extremely low bar

he turned into that dog whisperer guy


His face looks like Lord Zedd sent him m against the power rangers

Watch Artie outlive everyone.

We already knew that would happen. Now he’s proving it to us.


He's a cockroach

Artie or High Pitch Eric outliving Stern would be fucking hilarious. But I think he'll live to be like 102.

He looks like the shady younger brother of a Guatemalan dictator.

Guatemalan Billy Carter

Looks like el Chapo

He lost so much weight too. Anyone can do it!


Must be on the CUBES of ham diet...

Get a nose job goddamn

Does it involve penises

And all across Northern NJ dozens of heroin dealer's junkie senses started tingling. At least he finally went out and bought some new clothes, it's so weird to see him without the stains.

He’d look better than anyone in the OnA universe if he fixed that thing on his face

He looks better fat

If you ignore the nose then Artie looks like a fairly successful carpenter.

He’s got the hammer holder loop in his pants too

I know, they're called carpenter's jeans.

This sad creature hasn't died yet?

I love all the morons in the Howard Stern sub, falling for this dip shit for the 118th time.

"Looking good Artie! Maybe he'll actually pull through this time! He's so talented, I hope he can get back on his feet."

Fuckin dummies. Over 100+ of "those."

"Tour", "stories"...if he goes that route he'll be wiping nose blood all over that new jacket in no time at all. If Retartie is just gonna start telling his old Stern show/heroin/jail/rehab war stories again he'll stand no chance. And who the fuck wants to hear that shit again anyway?

He hasn’t been funny in 15 years.

I mean... just be a junkie. Stern's long gone, so Artie should just go for it until the wheels come off. What's he trying to protect?

Its hilarious that his show with nana ran concurrent with his darkest days. he lost his nana but gained a whole new lease on life!

It was hysterical how he completely ripped Nana off and collected a CM paycheck while literally doing drugs and nodding off during the show while a petrified Nana sat there giggling like a retard and anxiously hugging himself. One might even be led to believe that Nana was terrified of saying or doing anything that might have lead to a (gasp!) confrontation of some kind.

When Anthony Cumia is rock bottom.

"I went from talking with A listers on Howard Stern, the biggest radio show in the country, to sitting in front of a green screen on a web show where this kid toucher kept ranting about blacks and old TV shows."

And during his "nothing's wrong with my nose everything is great" tour after the Cumia show he never mentioned it or Anthony at all, ever. He took the gig, let Ant and KTC brand the whole show around him, then gave it 0% when he even bothered to show up at all. They allowed a dying, bleeding, barely conscious heroin addict to totally hoodwink and bilk them right out in the open with no attempt to hide it.

I really hope he actually said that.

He’s lying about being sober by the way.

Not Artie

We have to be living in some absurd alternate universe

If you believe he’s been clean for the entire 7 months I’ve got a golden horse cock to sell you

I give him a month before he's back on dope. Goddamn failure.

Looks like a retired Argentinian prop forward.

I'll believe he's clean when he fixes his nose.

Can't wait to see how much better he looks in this Friday's mugshot!

This drug-addled dipshit has never been funny.

7 months my prolapsed ass

I'm jealous of Artie because my friends and family would have dumped my ass for good the first time i relapsed.

Yeah but you can't bribe them with showbiz money.

Can artie? I thought he was broke from gambling.

I give him 3 weeks on his own before his nose is completely inverted.

Congratulations George Lopez.

How the fuck did he lose weight while staying off drugs and get fat while on them?

he was inactive. they probably made him get up and move.

Nice members only jacket, stupid

His nose makes him look oriental

Wow! Keep it up Artie.

Damn this nigga looks good.

I give it a week before this addict fucks up

You can get a tan in rehab?

Putting that shit on salads.