I don't know why it's even a question if Nana is a pedophile?

1  2019-09-23 by Bovine_Retard

If someone openly admits to fucking 18 year old girls, what makes you think that's the lowest they'd go? If the age of consent was 14 like it is in some shithole countries, Nana wouldn't even think twice about fucking a 14 year old girl. Just because the law says fucking an 18 year old is OK doesn't mean it's not pedophilia for a 90 year old tranny woman to fuck an 18 year old girl.


Yeah, but he insists that's just part of his "radio personality."

There are people still questioning it?

Maybe they don't think it counts because Nana has never had sex with a minor. He expresses his pedo thoughts by jerking off to Nickelodeon and Toddlers & Tiaras, or with transsexual prostitutes who are small and boney like little girls.

He also appears to greatly enjoy sharing his pedo thoughts with his peers. He practically convulses in lust when he blurts out his underage girl fantasies in the presence of other men. For whatever reason he WANTS them to know.

I don’t think he’s a pedophile (prepubescent children) but I do think he’s attracted to girls 14-17 which makes him fucking disgusting. I’m 33 and the thought of someone in my social/professional circles doing and saying the things 🐜 has is unthinkable. He’s a fucking creep and I mean that sincerely. In a functional society he would have been beaten to death a long time ago.

functional society

Lucky for him he lives in Long Island then.

It’s why he won’t leave

He bragged about fucking a 14 year old when he was in his 20s, then quickly changed it to 18.

As a father of two sometimes four, ant saying 9 is beyond fucked up.