This sub supports strong African-Americans such as Malcolm LaVergne

1  2019-09-22 by gregorio_ilidivich


M. stands for My Nigga

His twitter photo like Trump’s always makes me laugh especially after he embarrassed Ant for being an insignificant ant

M is not only a pillar of his community, but a pillar of the entire goddamned human race.

M is a winner with a capital W.

The fact that he talks just like Jackie Chiles must really get under Nana's skin.

Well, actually I wrote this as a tribute, but yes, he is great.

M is underrated

and Christopher Dorner

Can’t corner the Dorner.

Im willing to bet Ant called him some less than tasteful names after reading that.

He's still hilarious

He beat both Cumia’s like I beat my dick when it owes me money. I was like Pesci at the end of Casino, begging for their mercy. He buried them alive

I feel like I could sue McDonald's for making my fingers greasy and M would win me the case