Official: Carl’s death makes it on TMZ. More famous than any Cumia.

1  2019-09-22 by BobosRedWalls


Nobody dies peacefully unexpectedly at 44 in their sleep. That shit would wake you up surely.

He died peacefully in his booze, pill, and food induced stupor

That’s what I got out of it. Heart attacks in the 40’s are rare without another contributing factor

The “widowmaker” heart attack is pretty common from 44-52. They say if you make it past that window you’re usually not at high risk again until your 60’s and 70’s. A lot of times the symptoms leading up to it aren’t that bad. I’m guessing Carl was used to feeling like shit after a long night of boozing, smoking, bingeing on food, and just went to bed thinking it was business as usual.

The real question is did they find a vibrating egg in his ass.

Wtf it’s on the front page of right now. I legit had no idea that Carl was even remotely famous. This is definitely more coverage than any of ona’s deaths will get.

He was a complete failure. He was guy fieri’s friend.

It’s a bit sad. I’m interested I seeing if it is from alcohol tobacco and a bad diet versus mixing alcohol with drugs though. Usually the 50’s or 60’s are when bad choices catch up

Alcohol, diet, stress. He seemed about done with his las show with ope

I haven’t checked out the podcast in about 1.5 months. Currently binging the Patrice appearances. About 3/4 done: I’ll catch up with Opie after that. Still sad to hear

It is sad. I think it was a very bad mix of drugs and stress. Poor guy I think he was just extremely reckless.

There was a picture recently of him hanging from a tree branch and he looked like some sickly as hell aids patient.

nice to see carl getting the recognition he deserved. it would have been nice to mention the opie radio free podcast though!

You will be reminded of him every time you get the reddit cake

I am so sorry for your loss, Pat. I know you loved him most of all.

Solemn and reverent cake day :'(

No one listens to the podcast

They were late on this one. Probably thought it was this place like when Ant had to post a photo to prove he was still alive.

Does r/television consider TMZ a legit website?

Do default subs do anything but be homosexual?

Carl's death was a sacrifice in order to get the band back together.

To what end? Shane Gillis can't even say "chink." Anthony is unhirable.

How do you die "peacefully" of a heart attack?

As opposed to battling against his poor health choices and turning his life around.

Let’s be real, that wasn’t going to happen

Plenty of people die in their sleep from them. Most of the time they don’t really hurt, and just feel like indigestion.

The comments are brutal. Highly recommended.

they disabled the comments

I suppose I should have taken screencaps or been sober enough to remember some of them.

carl died from embarrassment for being on opie radio


That little cunt went back and forth with me then screen shot my Twitter profile and “outed me” for having like 20 followers. Needless to say him and the opster blocked me after I started getting more likes than him. Fuck em.

The only time TMZ would give a shit about any Cumia is when they've been arrested for sex crimes.

Wrong sir, it was domestic violence.

Poor Mrs Chipperson