What a shining, happy boy! He must feel like men do when they're put next to him!

1  2019-09-23 by dazzlefloss


NY Gay Couple Adopt Progeria Child

Imagine being shorter than Sam...

Imagine becoming famous because you can't get any pussy and it bugged you so bad you flipped out in a bagel shop.

Not even famous just viral, truly famous ppl don't get pics with a worm and a caveman

No wonder he's apparently become a feature of this show

He is on the show? Really?

Not only that, but some guy tossed you around like the dwarf trash bag you are, in front of numerous laughing women.

Maybe he'll get mad and beat Sam up

I would have some major respect for him if he did. Imagine him just bashing the fuck out of Sam’s face after an appearance, while Jim is staring down at his phone, refreshing twitter before he gets scared and runs behind club soda Kenny.

Jim looks like a wax sculpture of stage 4 cancer

Its like that episode of family guy where meg has this ugly ass friend that makes her look better by comparison, the n this case that ridiculous midget looks better next to those repulsive 7 month late term abortions