Just a re-cap from earlier today for those that may have missed it, someone posted about Joe fighting stolen valour claims since 2002

1  2019-09-23 by fourStrokes1900

Joe was battling retards on whackbag as early as 2002 fighting stolen valour claims, yet still no DD214

Weird, aint it.


Just tell us you bought the hat, man

Pretty much everyone has always hated Joe. I remember talking to people about what a useless, talentless, boring faggot Joe is before they even got to XM.

Even Patrice hated Welfare Joe Cumia in one of the episodes called lick the stupid outta you around 40min Tranth is lying out his ass about joe making 6figures going around the world you can tell he dont want to talk about his brother and Patrice is disgusted about what a "tribute band" is. The only man that defended him and talked about him was Opie he was the only one stickin up for him, they play a clip and it sounds like shit and the room is silent anth says its live thats why it sounds like that. Opie stood up for joe and look at all the shit that old leech talks about Op.
Anth also says later "having sex with an animal is not animal abuse."

I came here to say this! Happy cake day!

Im gonna have a listen

By six figures he means GI Joes he sticks up his ass. He goes all over the world and has kids put action figures in his ass.

I have no doubt that Joe 'Colleen' Cumia, a known fuckup, failed to graduate high school and after running afoul of the law was forced into military service. What I find a bit far fetched, however, is that he served with any distinction and was honorably discharged. Reminder: homosexuals were not allowed to serve openly at the time.

Remember he picks up fallen flags on the road. That should say everything

One of my favourites

first port of call would be to clear up any doubt, surely? Why put yourself through 17 years of shit

there are folks charging 25$ to send in request for Joe's army record, so Joe cant doxx you if you send in the request yourself, some of you US folks can do it to help clear Joes name

dude he said he lost it and just cant find it, leave him alone

His dog ate it. Then she squirted.