Patrick's latest Op-Ed is a straight ripoff of The Expanse

29  2019-09-09 by rykorotez

For anyone not familiar with The Expanse, one of the major plot points of the show is this entire scenario he's played out in this make-believe article he's written. On the show, people that live in the asteroid belt, referred to as "Belters" are the lowest class of people, barely scrapping by doing dirty space mining in low-oxygen, low-sunlight conditions. Its nearly every point Fatty lays out in his "opinion" piece.

Its straight up plagiarism. No joking and no exaggerating. Patrick stole an entire concept from one of the biggest sci-fi shows out right now. I believe the writers for that show should receive credit and financial compensation for this obviously plagiarized opinion piece.

How did he think no one would notice?


Pat has never had have an original thought, opinion, or joke. Everything is ripped off from something popular and well crafted.

Well, lucky for him, no one would dare call him out in the comment section.

They allow comments.

They're heavily moderated though. Comments have to be approved by a human before they are posted. I tried to remain as civil and polite as possible but I doubt they will allow a comment calling out someone in their paper for plagiarism.

I haven't seen the show but why wouldn't robots be doing the mining? They're already doing most of it here.

Because then nobody gets to wear the sweet hats with a light on top.

He flaunted his upcoming op-ed with a major news publication as if it legitimized his place as a pundit and repeatedly mischaracterized it as political piece, but it turns out its just another space fantasy. Fucking LOL.

This plagiarism is icing on the cake, but wholly unsurprising. Pat never ventures off the beaten path with his novels, only writing retreads of decades old tropes ('generation ship' and 'first contact' stories are as old as the science fiction genre itself).

I can't wrap my head around this stupid premise by the NYT. Than again fake opinions go hand in hand with fake news.

No one’s noticed the fact that Milwaukee has a rape rate 20 times the national average. He must have assumed this would slip by.

We are mining asteroids but only just got rid of the combustion engine?

No one even knows what The Expanse is, child.

Tweet it some of the writers and see.

Everybody make comments saying he’s ripping off the Expanse. I just want him to have to explain this place to some NYT intern.

I'm not on-board with the Pat thing, but having read these, this is pretty much straight-up plagiarism. Even the comments on the article call it the same.

The whole theme of "inner" planets vs. outer belt workers is first, but the books talk a lot about mining lithium from moons and planets, taking pills to change body structure, and the main character was raised on a farm in Montana, just as a start.

He's a flat out plagiarist. /u/patrickstomlinson novels are just Douglass Adams through the lens of a retard. His opinions are just flagrant pandering to people who like to be agreed with, but still want nothing to do with him. And this article is just ridiculous. It is literally the plot points of a popular TV show. It's hilarious that this is how he'll be found out for the loathsome hack he is by the general public.

mike's comment really hit the nail on the head....

"Though I’d love to believe this writer hasn’t heard of “The Expanse,” I’m afraid we’re experiencing a losing battle with the dreaded P-word. However, after checking out some of the writers other work (thanks NYT for the links!) I’m really impressed with the previews of his last book in collaboration with Will Tate and I’m looking forward to reading it! Unfortunately, this one missed the mark I’m afraid. “The Expanse” however is incredible!"

If we ever have space miners they'll be remotely operated robots, stupid. But of course a professional victim can only imagine oppression and evil capitalism.

Another failure from Tomlinson