fat lying faggot. This tweet obviously isn't true, as our subreddit has gone nowhere while subs that ban talking about Pat continue to get banned. Fuck you, Fatrick. You're a rapist pig.

27  2019-09-09 by AntifaMilwaukee


Pat we make fun of you because it’s easy, you’re a clown. You obsess about the internet all day, I only think of you when I’m shitting or bullshitting at work, or shitting while I’m bullshitting at work

Are we mad about it? It takes two seconds to make a new sub, you get it banned, we move on to the next one. You are the one that can't leave it alone. If you stop engaging, this all stops. Its all on you fatboy.

I thought he “won” and we’re all gone? He keeps talking about us because he has nothing of interest going on in his life. He paid a lawyer so he could waste time on twitter bitching about the president. Waste of money, child

It's laughable that guy who rapes children is encouraging us to be decent human beings.

I guess I should publicly call Moira Greyland a liar so I can be as decent a person as Fatrick Dong-in-Son.

Quite a hollow victory when you have to knowingly lie to your followers Fatty, but don’t worry, everyone here knows what really happened even if your mong friends don’t.

First he steals Will Tate's work and now he's stealing credit for Joe's achievements.

Actually Patrick, Joe Cumia got those subs shut down. Stolen valor. Is there any low Pat won't sink to?

Holy shit he is delusional. If he originally came here and said "yeah I did that to virtue signal but I really like norm" then we would have called him faggot for 3 days max and forgotten about this lumpy shit head.

We stand tall from beginning to end


I count 3 subs. Maybe 4.

Whats this "dozens" he's speaking of?

When he says dozens, hes talking about the number of donuts had eat for snack this morning.

Or the number of toddler corpses in his crawlspace.

Or the number of coffee mugs full of everclear for Nikki

Or the numbers of jigs lined up in the hallway to pick-sock her holes.

I thought Joe Cumia was the powerful one getting us banned. Maybe he should set the record straight because according to Patrick it's him who has the money and connections to shut us down.

Never fucking change Pat, you complete fucking idiot. Ive seen several people straight up telling him just ignore the trolls and they will go away, but he always dismisses them saying how his warplan is working, and how the trolls are so mad at the inconvenience, that they are going to forget all about him any day now.

I'm still devastated over the loss of OpieandAnthonyCPM - I was just getting over OpieandAnthonyxyz.

He wants to be seen as a tough biker and wine glass holding intellectual simultaneously. Not happening, dear.

Weird. Sniffs glass of red wine

It was probably the dozen subreddits of theirs I've gotten banned. They're really mad about that.

They're really testing me.

Who's mad again?

This manchild argues with strangers all day every day online, staining his laughable reputation. We call him Fatrick while taking a shit then move back to our actual lives. What a loser.