His Twitter followers are actual fucking retards

17  2019-09-09 by percykaramello


They’re all incredibly boring people, ”One time I had a praying mantis and it was craaaazy”, who gives a shit?

I’m gonna write a book about a queergender manladyboy that becomes friends with a furry non binary lesbian transgender demisexual while they fight an evil tyrant named Blonald Shlump and scam these useless retard for their money

His followers might be worse than him. They all seem to lead boring lives if they found a boring story about bugs entertaining. One even claims Pat’s work is for those with a high IQ. Fonald Plump is not from someone with a high IQ, just a pretentious smug douchebag.

"A prog rock analogy: You’re like King Crimson or ELP: A little above most folks’ IQ grade but still really accessible & fun. Keep going! Love it."

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. What kind of self-absorbed, pretentious asshole would call either of those bands "accessible" or "fun?"

Oh, right. Patrick's followers. Damn are they made for each other...

I came here for this. Any faggot that thinks Fatty McFatfat or King Crimson is "high IQ" is probably also one of those who unironically states the same thing about Rick and Morty.

The absolute worst thing about that tweet is that you just KNOW Fatty moaned with delight at reading that one. Yeah, high IQ guys sit on their fat asses all day at a dive bar, getting drunk with their wife's money, obsessing because someone somewhere called them a name.

Die fat about it.

When he read that comparison, Pat probably nudged the cheese-soaked dude on the stool next to him and tried to explain his elation while the other dude just sat there eating shitty bar food, staring at whatever was on the giant screen, and trying not to punch him.

Nice body shaming.

I laughed, I cried, I called him a fag.

transgender crab engineer

hentai tentacle monster audiophile

I was watching one of Patsos videos earlier where he also mentions having a gay black space marine in one of his shitty novels as a selling point. This dude literally writes characters like the manatees made jokes in that South Park episode. He just pulls a bunch of random shit out of a hat then passes it off as "intersectional" to make it seem layered.

Horrible writer.

The worst pitch for a book I've read in my life. He should call the book Safe Space Fags