He's Breaking

41  2019-09-09 by Dagidugidai


I can absolutely speak on behalf of this sub when I say that every single person here is fiercely competing to be the author of the post that finally makes him blow his brains out.

You really think "ellencakehorn" is offensive enough to make the cut?

Oh, child.....

I like to imagine that he'll come out of the bathroom at his favorite bar, covered in shit, with his severed dick in his hand. He'll attack a cop for not stopping the nazi trolls and get put down.

The cop will drink for free for life at hooligans after that

This is literary excellence delivered with the integrity (and spelling/grammar) that Patboy could never dream of achieving. When I close my eyes tonight this is what I will be thinking of. Good work brotherman.

We sure are, fatboy. And as each day goes by, you continue to fail that test harder and harder.

Active shooter warning. DEFCON 1, people

And he's fat

His hips, knees and ankles are fucking done for. Marathons are my speicality, little ones. Marathons of sweating over the backs of children as I sodomize them in my star wars toy dungeon of terror, child.

Pats unhinged. I’d stay away from any country music concerts if I lived in Milwaukee.

I thought he “defeated” us? Didn’t he brag about rolling over us and how he shut us down and won? Doesn’t sound like it’s true, child. We’re the only interesting thing he has going in his life.

What else does he have? His wife "works" 18 hours a day just as an excuse to be around him as little as possible. Hes a failed author, a failed father, he lost his blue check mark on twitter. We are the only people giving him attention. The only thing he has is his Star Wars toys. . All he can think about is his own father telling him would never amount to nothing.

At least 3 of those hours poor Nikki works on her hands and knees taking her dues from real men while texting Patso to warm up mac and cheese for himself for dinner.

He thought he won til remembered no matter what at the end of the day he’s doing all his activity on his phone by himself in a bar in Wisconsin. He wishes so bad he was talking to people in California and New York

Hiring that shit hot lawyer really paid off didn't it Pat?

Huh, he told me he was fine and he just enjoys kicking us while we're down. What happened?

What will put him over the edge: The Amazon delivery guy, bringing yet another child's toy to Fatrick, is deep dicking his second wife from beyond when fatso arrives home from another "marathon" run. The Amazon delivery man drops fatso like a bad habit, while still entangled with fatso's second wife. While Fatricks flails on the floor like a great toirtous trying to right itself, the Amazon delivery guy climbs over the great heaving mass and proceeds to exit the premise leaving Fatricks wife once again in disappointed.