Patrick S Tomlinson: You failed as a father, a husband, as an author, a comedian, and as a marathon runner. What makes you think you can succeed against us?

30  2019-09-08 by ShuckinNJiven


I’m far more intelligent than anyone that posts here child and I get laid all the time child, don’t fuck with me because I have guns (even though I think the government shoud come and take them), child

(even though I think the government should come and take them), child. It's this wishy washy stance on fucking everything that makes this fat faggot lose all credibility over anything he ever talks about like 90% of lefties. It also makes him a non stop milkable lolcow like nigger Joe Moomia to give us laughs.


He gave up his rights because adrienne wanted to go somewhere and do something with her life. If Fatrick still had custody she would be stuck in the shithole stay in resides in with no hope of ever leaving