This book's pages are comprised of 12% parchment, 83% baby cum and 5% child.

54  2019-09-07 by percykaramello


Can't wait for your DMCA take down you fat, friendless fuck.

Starship Pedo is his property

That book got terrible reviews

this work is covered as parody / transformative

Not according to the reddit algorithm.

It was supposed to be 100% baby cum, but he's too selfish of a lover.

He can't even pull off the 'frat bro' look. What a failure.


He’s nailed that one.

You don't work out 3 times a week

And 100% another writer's idea.

God what a fat unkempt slob. Unloveable in every way.

Backwards cap in this decade smdh

Dressing hip to blend in with the children, child.

i’m annoyed he’s wearing a bloom county shirt. stop tainting good media with your lactating milwaukee tits, child


Such a fat faggot

Is there any way to find out exactly how many books he's sold? I know the number is hilariously low. Remember he isn't even getting royalties yet on his previous books. That was the revelation that brought him to this sub with only like 6 active users and kicked off the Fatrick Renaissance.

Can't be more than 1 and a half Sharpies max.

I cannot stand nerds with awful fashion sense. It takes practically no effort to not look like an asshole and they still manage to do it. Backwards hat, boot cut blue jeans, huge watch, stupid t shirt with nerd shit on it. There are people who don't know or care about looking good, and then there's assholes like this who think they know what they're doing and look like the biggest goddamned retards.

Not only that but he also has to tell people that he's been in multiple bar fights.

And he hasn’t

Do you drive stick, little one?

On top of that he’s a smug asshole who believes he’s a very important public figure yet doesn’t even have a wikipedia page. He might be the most unlikeable person alive.

That he is wearing “Bloom County”T-shirt is enraging.

What's that stupid watch, is it a snoopie watch?

Everything he’s wearing is cheap. $20 watch, $10 wedding ring, $15 shirt, $20 jeans, free hat.

At least it goes with his ugly ass face and fat slob body.

Scrawny arms but a chubby face. Not a hint of muscle, child. Plus that backwards hat look went out years ago.