MFW a Fat Pedophile Steals my Intellectual Property But His Sales Are in the Shitter

48  2019-09-06 by OutlawMemer


OMG is that Will Tate???

Yes indeed, that is THE Will Tate, talented and prolific author of such entertaining and thought-provoking novels as Ink, Contract Negotiations, and the seminal and lauded Starship Repo series.

A man who never wrote a character named fonald plump. Also a man with a cock like a Mario warp tube

Mario warp tube. A niggas ribs.

Fatass could never pull off wearing that hat.

Will Tate, however, he does it with style.

Fatrick wears one propeller hat.

Comparison is the thief of joy or something man, you know what I’m saying man? Pulitzer Pat wins again man.

Class, pizazz and a huge hog.

Based Will Tate AMA when?

He's too humble to think people would want to know about him. He'd be wrong, though.