What's this guy's obsession with children?

42  2019-09-06 by ohmycawd


See, “when” Patrick and I went to HIGH school, I would always CALL him “child.” I guess it STUCK with him “for” life.

Suppressed guilt. He abandoned his daughter before she was even born. She'll most likely grow up ashamed and embarrassed of her biological father just like Perry Caravello's daughter has. Patrick's sense of self-importance will never allow him to truly see what a narcissistic piece of shit he is. This is why he has to post pictures of his material possessions seeking validation from internet strangers. Every picture of his Shitstang and Trump bike that he posts has him waxing poetic in a way that makes him think people will see him as the next Hunter S. Thompson.

I am not obsessed with children, child.

"Which puts me two ahead of the amount of women who will ever say yes to you"

He is so ridiculously insecure. EVERYONE that doesn't agree with him is an incel or a virgin in his mind. He's so desperate for people to know that he's had sex with 2 women that he doesn't realize he's making it absolutely clear that those are those are the only 2 women to ever give him the time of day.

It’s called splitting. It’s something narcissists do. He’s a lot like trump in that way, which he should be reminded of.

He weilds "getting laid" like its impressive in this day and age. Its never been easier to get pusdy. What is he thinking?

Call me old fashioned, but in terms of a successful marriage, surely it's better to have one woman say yes?


Patrick isn't concerned with your ideas of traditional marriage, child. If hebhad it his way he'd put a rong om one of the children he frequently visits. As it stands he has to settle for putting a cockring on niki's bull before he violently sodomizes her.

One of those two women confessed she never loved him nor was she ever attracted to him.

But those are lies she tells herself to this day, child

He gave away his kid without a fight and the guilt is eating away at his subconscious so he tries to use it as a pejorative to give the word a negative connotation.

“i did want to raise my daughter, child.”

I think I figured out the whole child thing. His brain can't handle that he did the worst thing a man can do and abandon his child and now it comes out like Tourette's. That or the bitch in the chair on Stranger Things.