Never forget what we're fighting for. #RememberAbe

53  2019-09-06 by PringlesCanJonathan


Lying faggot.

He’s a cuck faggot but not a liar.

“Im not fat” proves thats a lie

Nice gay existential reply stupid

He's not a liar but asserts "nobody knows who Will Tate is."

Then how did you steal the title and premise of your book from him and how do we all know about it?

Not only are you fat, Pat, but also a big fat liar.

And frankly, I hope your pants catch fire.

Have we actually compared the works for plagiarism?

Pat is a lying, obese faggot but the more annoying thing to me is that he would probably not even have a real opinion on norm. He only made that tweet about never finding him funny because it was the woke opinion at the time and little piggy faggot tried to pimp his page by saying that.

Hi, fatty-patty-2!

I am here to wish you well, and hope this year is your best one yet!


Bad bot. Kill yourself.

Mods please ban him

Holy shit did Abe get banned?